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Bundle rate increases $20/month for months 13 24. Equipment fees extra. After promotion period, regular rates apply. Prices exclude additional equipment charges, inside wiring fees, additional outlets, taxes, surcharges including video Broadcast Surcharge $10. 00/mo. and Regional Sports Surcharge $9.

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”From voice to video, the “it” technology of the moment has a positive effect on dealers, says Greg Blackett, of Tyco Security Products.

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Offer is only available for new subscriptions to Cox Contour TV, Internet Preferred 150 and Cox Homelife service.

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>home automation and security

The kit comes with the Guard hub, a round device with a number pad that tracks all the other sensors, but also incorporates a siren and motion sensor of its own.

>security systems for the home

Bronze Bundle Discount Note: Most promotional prices cannot be combined with promotional prices for other services.